Sunday, October 2, 2011

ALLAH Beginning With The Name Of, the tenderly Merciful and Infinitely Loving

ALLAH Beginning With The Name Of, the tenderly Merciful and Infinitely Loving
Know, 0 dear readers, that friendship is the result of good conduct
The Prophet Salla Allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam said : 0 Abu Hurairah, you should take to good conduct. Abu Hurairah Radi Allahu anhu asked : 0 Messenger of ALLAH (Exalted is He), what is good conduct ? He Salla Allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam said : Keep the tie of relationship with one who cuts it off, forgive one who oppresses you, give charity to one who deprives you.
Hazrat Idris Khaolani Radi Allahu anhu said to Hazrat Muaz Radi Allahu anhu : I love you for ALLAH (Exalted is He). He said It is good. I heard the Prophet Salla Allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam say : Chairs will be placed round the Throne for one party of men. Their faces will be like full moon. The people will be afraid, but they will not be afraid. The people will be perturbed, but they will not be perturbed. They are the friends of ALLAH (Exalted is He) and they will not have any fear or sorrow. The Prophet Salla Allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam was asked : 0 Messenger of ALLAH (Exalted is He), who are they? He Salla Allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam said : Those who. love one another for ALLAH (Exalted is He). The Prophet Salla Allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam said : There are pulpits of light around the Throne. A party of men will be seated therein. Their dress will be of light. They are not Prophets or martyrs but the Prophet and martyrs will envy their rank. They asked . 0 Apostle of ALLAH (Exalted is He), narrate to us their qualities. He Salla Allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam said : They love one another for ALLAH (Exalted is He), they sit together in an assembly for ALLAH (Exalted is He) and meet one another for ALLAH (Exalted is He).
The Prophet Salla Allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam said of the two men who love each other for ALLAH (Exalted is He) The mare beloved of ALLAH (Exalted is He) is one who loves his friend more. ALLAH (Exalted is He) says : I shall make their children attached to them and nothing will be reduced from their actions.
The Prophet Salla Allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam said that ALLAH (Exalted is He) says : My meeting becomes sure for those who meet one another for Me. My love becomes sure for those who love one another for Me. My help becomes sure for those who help one another for Me.
The Prophet Salla Allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam said: ALLAH (Exalted is He) will say on the Resurrection Day Where are those who loved one another for Me ? There is no shade today except My shade. I will give them My shade.
The Prophet Salla Allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam said : On the day when there will be no shade except the shade of ALLAH (Exalted is He), He will place seven persons under His shade-(1) a just ruler, (2) a young man engaged in divine service. (3) a man who is attracted towards the mosque after he comes out of it, (4) two persons who love each other for ALLAH (Exalted is He), meet each other for ALLAH (Exalted is He) and keep company with each other for ALLAH (Exalted is He) (5) one who remembers ALLAH (Exalted is He) in loneliness and as result his eyes shed tears, (6) a man who does not respond to the evil temptation of a beautiful woman coming from a respectable family and says : I fear ALLAH (Exalted is He), and (7) a charitable person who keeps his charity secret, so much so that his left hand does not know what his right hand gives.
The Prophet Salla Allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam : If a man meets another for love of ALLAH (Exalted is He) and hoping to meet Him, an angel proclaims from behind him : You are blessed, your foot steps are blessed, paradise for you is blessed.
The Prophet Salla Allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam said : Once a man wished to meet his friend for ALLAH (Exalted is He). ALLAH (Exalted is He) sent secretly an angel to him who asked him : What do you intend? He said: I intend to meet my brother. He asked him: Have you got any necessity to him ? He said : No The angel said : Has he done any benefit to you ? He said :No The angel said -Then why are you going to meet him ? He said : I love him for the sake of ALLAH (Exalted is He). The angel said : ALLAH (Exalted is He) sent me to you with this news that ‘He loves you as you love him and that Paradise is sure for you.
The Prophet Salla Allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam said : Love for ALLAH (Exalted is He) and hate for ALLAH (Exalted is He) are the firmest faith. For this reason, a man should have enemies so that he may hate them and should have friends so that he may love them.

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